Jerry Feldman
gaf at
Mon May 3 19:43:28 EDT 1999
I just loaded SuSE 6.0 last night. Have not had a chance to complete the
installation, but I do like YaST. One problem is that I want to set up DHCP
on eth1. When you configure a network device, it requires an ip address. I
was in a hurry, because I was still having majordomo problems. I'll probably
either reinstall or complete the installation. So far, SuSE seems to have
some of the same benefits of a debian release with a more intuative
package manager.
On 3 May 99, at 12:59, Anthony J. Gabrielson <agabriel at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not sure if anyones tried SuSE 6 - but through yast printer
> set is a breeze. Doesn't matter if you getting the printer localy or
> remotely through samba or nfs. It's an easy config. Check it out.
Gerald Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Computer Solutions and Consulting
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