/. lug invite
Charles C. Bennett, Jr.
ccb at kukla.tiac.net
Thu Nov 25 07:53:19 EST 1999
> I am sort of new to the blu.org list but if anyone is thinking of going
> maybe we could do a group thing..
> -Kris
I plan on being at both The Bazaar and LWCE in New York. It might be
fun for a LUG contingent to go down on the train. I won't be up for
it since VA will expect me to come down early to help build the booth
(and email gardens) or stay late to tear it down.
If anyone happens to be on the expo floor for either of these events,
wander by and say howdy to Bill Okerman or me.
Charles C. Bennett, Jr. VA LiNUX Systems
Systems Engineer, Northeast US 25 Burlington Mall Rd., Suite 300
+1 617 543-6513 Burlington, MA 01803-4145
ccb at valinux.com www.valinux.com
Nothing runs Linux like VA LiNUX - call 1 888 LiNUX-4-U
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