Static IP DSL (Was: Re: Where is
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 30 20:14:10 EST 1999
I just got my HarvardNet 786k SDSL installed and working at home last
week. I just need to get a small routing problem fixed and I'll be
all set. It's much better than my old ISDN line. I haven't yet had a
chance to compare it to my CableModem, but I suspect that, once the
routing problem is fixed, the improved latency will make it even more
usable (even if there is less downstream capacity).
Matthew J Brodeur <mbrodeur at> writes:
> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Tom Guilderson wrote:
> > As regards to the "no server" policy of Media One,I was thinking of
> > going DSL with a static IP. More money but no hassles about domains,
> > mail servers, ftp etc. Has anyone gone this route, what has the
> > experience been? Let me know.
> I'm not there yet, but I have my order in with CyberAccess/Covad to
> upgrade my current 56k static dialup to 144k IDSL. I've had the dialup
> with 16 IPs and running several services for about a year and a half with
> no problems. When I ordered the upgrade, they didn't even flinch when I
> mentioned that I'm hosting "Oh, about four or five" domains. As long as
> I'm paying my bills I can use 100% of my bandwidth 100% of the time.
> You pay for what you get (and of course get what you pay for) with
> CyberAccess. 56k dedicated is $85/mo, and the IDSL is $120/mo. I could
> get cheaper/faster ADSL if I lived elsewhere, but even with Flashcom I'd
> still be paying $120 for one dynamic IP and up to four NATed addresses.
> Matthew J. Brodeur, mbrodeur at
> Hostmaster, Webmaster for,
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Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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