Help using SCA SCSI disk on Ultra Wide bus...
Christoph Doerbeck A242369
cdoerbec at
Mon Oct 4 13:54:02 EDT 1999
Here's the hardware:
Seagate ST32155WC disk drive with SCA->68pin adapter
MotherBoard with Adaptec AIC-7895
Here's the problem (which appears on both Suse 6.2 and RedHat 6.0)...
This is NOT verbatim...
reset scsi bus
sda: (blah blah blah) timeout (more blah blah)
The message repeats and the install never moves on...
I'm posting this hoping that someone can clue me in on the right
config settings. Right now the system is up and running with my old
Narrow disk. I am not a SCSI novice, and I'm quite certain my problem isn't
related to termination or cable length, but if you think otherwise...
My guess is that it's related to Sync Negotiation, SCAM support, etc...
Any comments from the peanut gallery?
- Christoph
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