which ink-jet printers is Ghostscript compatible with?
Christoph Doerbeck A242369
cdoerbec at cso.fmr.com
Wed Oct 20 09:24:31 EDT 1999
Glenn Burkhardt wrote:
> >
> > What's the difference between a winprinter and a printer that requires
> > the software to essentially specify every dot?
> My definition of a WinPrinter is one that doesn't accept a file copied to the
> printer port. If one is running a DOS only machine, the command
I support the concept that a win-printer is anything that supports a
proprietary protocol which is only developed and support on WinBlows.
There is nothing "evil" about removing smarts from a printer to reduce
cost. Provided of course... that the protocol is open. It's a real
pitty because the HP 72x and other PPA printers are really nice (and cheap)
color units. Oh well...
- Christoph
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