upgrade to 1.16r4
Justin Kuo
kuo at world.std.com
Sat Oct 23 11:29:47 EDT 1999
What do I need to do to upgrade to linuxconf 1.16r4?
I downloaded the two new linuxconf files:
then, as the root user, typed
rpm -Uvh linuxconf*1.16r4-1.i386.rpm
and saw the ####'s for each of the two modules. After updating, I typed
linuxconf at the command line and it brought up "Linuxconf 1.16 (subrev 3)"
in the title area. I tried the same with the web version and it displayed
"Linuxconf 1.16r3" in the title bar.
I thought I might need to restart Linuxconf. On the web version I went to
Control panel | Restart linuxconf. But that did not change the version
Do I need to reboot the machine? Is there a command I am missing?
Thank you. -- Justin Kuo, the new Linux user
ps. I tried the "Linuxconf Mailing List" <linuxconf at XC.Org> w/o success.
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