Xterm and .Xresources
John Chambers,,,781-647-1813
jc at trillian.mit.edu
Thu Sep 2 09:10:33 EDT 1999
Jerry A Clabaugh <JerryC at world.std.COM> writes:
It seems that specifying xterm*geometry or xterm*font
in a .Xresources or .Xdefaults file causes the xterm
popup menus to break. I'll assume it's a bug in xterm.
Thanks to both -
Not true on this Redhat 5.2 system with fvwm2:
: vi ~/.Xdefaults
: xrdb -merge <~/.Xdefaults
: xrdb -query | egrep -i 'xterm.*(font|geom)'
xterm*font: fixed
xterm_color*font: fixed
xterm_color.geometry: 90x30
: xterm&
The xterm window that pops up has menus that look and act perfectly
normal. I wonder if you could give some more details. What sort of
system, which wm, etc.
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