Quote without comment
Bill Horne
bhorne at banet.net
Sun Apr 2 17:14:01 EDT 2000
(From the Classic Macs Digest, classic-post at hitznet.com)
Speecial Announcement from the Moderator:
Wanted to let everybody know about a potential change that would
Classic Mac Digest to go "BIG TIME". We have a potential
corporate sponsor!
Can't spill the beans yet, but they go by the initials "MS"
This is a big change to how we do business, but you will be
happy to know
that it will make the Digest much more exciting and each Digest
is sure to
have a lot more posts.
There will be changes though, for one we will be expanding the
scope of the
list to cover the early INTEL processors up through the 386.
This means
posts on DOS (4.0 and below) as well as Windows (3.0 and below,
but not
Windows for Workgroups) will be accepted.
We also will have to change the rules so that posts concerning
LINUX will
not be allowed. In addition there will be a single
advertisement for the
sponsor included at the start of each Digest.
This isn't a final deal yet (hoping to finalize everything over
the next
week), but I know all of you will be eagerly awaiting word that
the final
details have been worked out.
Let us know what you think about the new:
Classic Mac and PC Digest!
The Moderator
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