MS Office for Linux?
Massimo Morin
mmorin at
Mon Apr 3 12:18:25 EDT 2000
this is getting ridiculous!!
I can't belive the government can force a software company to deliver a
product to a "random" platform.
Ok, it is monopoly, ok it has done some illegal business practice but
let's get real! This is not a remedy and not even a punishment for M$.
If some states want a MSOffice for windows they have to stop buying
office for WinXX and place a order for nK (n>100) copies of Linux
M$Office to the M$ sales dep.
and BTW, if this is the case, why for linux? Why not QNX, Solaris or
cp/m? Or WizBangFoo platform?
My 0.02$
... and now I shut up :)!
> Here is a para from a report on the M$ case.
> Will we really get M$ Office for Linux?
> That would then be a beginning of M$ starting to support Linux.
> Wait for a week and we'll see what comes out....
> <quote>
> Whatever be the judgment, it will be a trend setting one. Will the judge
> call for a breakup of the company? One of the major hindrances to the
> talks was the lack of a consensus among the 19 states on their demands.
> While some states want the source code of some of the Microsoft products,
> some call for a Linux version of MS Office.
> </quote>
> -
> Thanks
> Oommen
> -
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Massimo Morin _...__..-'
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