/etc/aliases question
Derek Martin
derek at cerberus.ne.mediaone.net
Tue Apr 4 01:03:47 EDT 2000
Yesterday, Brian J. Conway gleaned this insight:
> I'm attempting to set up a quick mailing list (no need for majordomo on
> this) using just the /etc/aliases file and then running 'newaliases'.
> The problem I'm running into is that when I put more than one name on
> the list, it no longer sends the message to the person who sent the mail
> (as majordomo-style lists do), but just to the rest of the people on the
> list. How can I change this so that the aliases file also mails to the
> sender?
This is controlled by sendmail. You can turn this functionality on in one
of several ways:
1. add it to your sendmail.cf file
You can add this to your config either by editing the file directly, or
if you use m4 for configuration you can also do it that way. The option to
add to sendmail.cf is:
O MeToo
That's a capital oh at the beginning. the m4 macro (for your
/etc/sendmail.mc file, at least on Redhat) is:
define(`confME_TOO', true)
2. use the appropriate option to sendmail. You can use this:
-O MeToo=true
and there's another way to do it too, which is shorter and easier, but I
can't remember what it is. You can check the Bat book (Sendmail,
O'Reilly) and it will tell you. I don't have it handy.
PGP/GPG Public key at http://cerberus.ne.mediaone.net/~derek/pubkey.txt
Derek D. Martin | Unix/Linux Geek
derekm at mediaone.net | derek at cerberus.ne.mediaone.net
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