thoughts on esr
Ken Gosier
ken_gosier at
Thu Apr 20 09:16:40 EDT 2000
Just wanted to pass along to anyone else who's interested--
I was a little disappointed esr didn't get to talk about
the economics of open source, but I see from his web page
that these thoughts are contained in The Magic Cauldron
Also: Did the point about Microsoft having to charge their
stock options against revenues seem a little less than
convincing to anyone else? If this goes through, then
*everyone's* screwed, including people like Red Hat Linux.
And Microsoft would be equipped to handle such storms
better than most.
My $.02. esr was certainly an entertaining and
thought-provoking speaker. (despite the objection raised
above.) Who is to thank for booking him?
Ken Gosier
ken_gosier at
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