RH 6.1 - X server question
Alexander Darke
alex at darke.net
Mon Apr 24 23:30:02 EDT 2000
At 09:59 PM 4/24/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Thanks Frank... actually I went back to 6.0 and did a reinstall... it works
>out that the right server is the SVGA.. I think anyway... still learning
I wouldn't always be sure of that. RedHat continually selects the SVGA
server for cards that have much better servers to use, such as the Diamond
card I have that it always selects the SVGA when it should be using the SV3
or whatever that server is. They probably do this in the interest of
getting X running for anyone running anything, with the side effect of not
giving the best settings for your card.
I quit setting up X in initial installs. I just cancel it out, and then run
XF86Config or XF86Setup, and arm myself with the info on the card, chipset,
You might want to do some more web searching on your particular card.
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