OpenSSH, SFTP, and NT
Ron Peterson
rpeterson at
Wed Aug 9 15:55:07 EDT 2000
John Abreau wrote:
> I'm curious how others handle this. Does everyone with NT users go with
> the commercial ssh2 server? Do you just stick with plain FTP for file
> transfers?
What I'd *like* to do, but it hasn't worked yet, is replace FTP w/
WebDAV. You can apparently use NT's Web Folders w/ WebDAV, but I
haven't gotten that to work. I got a Linux client running o.k., though.
Then just use https. And the same file management tools in NT that
people already know.
WebDAV just went gold (1.0 release), but I think they may still have
some kinks to work out. Or maybe I do...
.oooO "Man with closed Oooo.
( ) mouth gathers ( )
\ ( no foot!" ) /
--\ )------------------(_/--
Ron Peterson
Systems Manager
Wallace Floyd Design Group
273 Summer Street
Boston, MA 02210
617.350.7400 tel
617.350.0051 fax
rpeterson at
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