Red Hat remote administration question
Kevin Falcone
kevinfal at
Wed Aug 23 11:43:13 EDT 2000
>>>>> "JF" == Jerry Feldman <gaf at> writes:
JF> On 23 Aug 2000, at 10:42, Frank Ramsay wrote:
>> Yes there is, I _think_ the program is netconfig.
JF> netcfg is a tcl/tk script and will not run without X.
he said netconfig, not netcfg
netcfg is a gui program, netconfig is a console program
[kevin at bowline ~]$ rpm -qf `which netconfig`
[kevin at bowline ~]$ rpm -qf `which netcfg`
I've used it once or twice to set up networking when I couldn't
bludgeon ifconfig into doing what I wanted.
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scimitar at me, they'd put me away" --Monty Python
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