I crashed Linux
Kevin Falcone
kevinfal at seas.upenn.edu
Fri Dec 8 15:01:57 EST 2000
>>>>> "MJD" == Mark J Dulcey <mark at buttery.org> writes:
MJD> Netscape gets like that all the time. But I've always been able
MJD> to recover by switching to a terminal window and doing 'kill
MJD> -KILL nnn' where nnn is the Netscape process ID.
Just as an aside, I've had good results on my linux box using kill -12
netscapepid (where 12 is SIGUSR2). This makes netscape save the
bookmarks file and remove the ~/.netscape/lock file. Of course, there
are other time that nothing short of kill -KILL will work (I love flash)
Can you kill a vampire with a stake of wood-grained plastic?
Thom Digby
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