No subject
John Chambers
jc at
Mon Dec 11 14:44:54 EST 2000
Jerry Feldman <gaf at> writes:
| I think that by claiming copyright, Microsoft can prevent some sites from
| carrying them directly. I think what M$ is trying to do is on one side,
| reduce some bad press by preventing some of the major anti-M$ sites
| from using their own language against them. And secondly they will
| generate a bit more traffic for themselves. Just another way they can try
| to flex their muscles a bit.
Probably correct. But it may have a different effect than their
lawyers intend. Copyright only applies to that particular wording,
after all, and not to the information content. So what Microsoft is
doing is telling people that you can't use Microsoft's own
description of the problems. You have to rewrite it in your own
words. This may not be quite what they were thinking of.
In any case, this is probably a SLAPP. Anyone here not familiar with
that particular acronym?
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