laptop recomendations
Ken Gosier
ken_gosier at
Thu Dec 14 10:11:19 EST 2000
FWIW, I have had a Toshiba laptop for a couple years now,
and am quite happy with it. They seem to use all
well-established components, so have had no compatibility
Also Toshiba's seem to be lower cost for similarly equipped
machines, though they will be less personalized. Toshiba
seems to run off a million copies of the same machine, to
keep costs low. (To constrast with Dell, for instance,
which personalizes, but you pay for it.) This works, b/c
Toshiba seems to be good at including stuff you actually
might want (large hard drive etc.) and leaving out the
crap. Although they could give you more RAM.
Can't answer for the bright display issue; I don't have
very high standards in that area ;)
--- Sean Quinlan <squinlan at> wrote:
> Does anyone have recommendations/warnings for laptop
> manufacturers? We will
> be purchasing a number of laptops (not notebooks) that
> will be primarily
> Linux, but some dual boots. From On High: High quality,
> very bright display
> is a major factor (presentations and such). Looking for
> systems preferably
> not more than ~$2000, including cdrom and ethernet.
> Thanks in advance for any help or advice!
> What has gone before:
> My boss picked up a couple Sony Viao F580 laptops. He
> _loves_ the display.
> After having some difficulties making it a dual boot, he
> handed it off to me.
> After applying a sledge hammer - er, getting the HD
> manufacturers
> formatting tool, I was able to repartition and install
> linux (RH6.2).
> However, I can't get the Xserver working. The F580 has a
> new card from
> NeoMagic (MagicMedia 25XL+), and there appear to be no
> drivers for it I can
> find. I have emailed them to find out the actual chipset.
> Even the video
> driver for windows is considered 'propriatory' and not
> distributed. I had
> to reinstall windows from the compressed image provided
> by sony with the
> laptop <GRRR> - I still have the creeps!
> Sean P. Quinlan
> mailto:squinlan at
> "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play
> than in a year of
> conversation" - Plato
> Sean P. Quinlan
> mailto:squinlan at
> "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play
> than in a year of
> conversation" - Plato
> -
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Ken Gosier
ken_gosier at
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