E-mail/DNS quuestion

Patrick McManus mcmanus at AppliedTheory.com
Sun Dec 17 20:41:22 EST 2000

there's some kind of split DNS going on.. chmls19 is running
a recursive (and open!) dns server.. no doubt for caching
purposes.. assuming that it's using itself as a stub resolver, which
makes sense but is not in anyway required, that's the problem..

this feels accidental.. one potential setup is that the config file
on chmls19 declares itself authoritative for mediaone, but doesn't
have the individual user hosts in it.. (and cause it's authoritative
it doesn't follow the recursive rules).. nobody else of course
declares knows of this self-designation so the err isn't propogated
beyond machines that use it as a stub resolver (maybe just itself..)

here's the split:

/home/mcmanus>nslookup www.apple.com chmls19.mediaone.net
Server:  chmls19.mediaone.net

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    www.apple.com

confirms that chmls19 has a dns resolver on it...

/home/mcmanus>nslookup gaf.ne.mediaone.net chmls19.mediaone.net
Server:  chmls19.mediaone.net

*** chmls19.mediaone.net can't find gaf.ne.mediaone.net: Non-existent   host/domain

confirms that chmls19 has never heard of gaf.ne

/home/mcmanus>nslookup gaf.ne.mediaone.net
Server:  liberty.atc-bos.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    gaf.ne.mediaone.net

confirms that gaf.ne is in global dns..


[Jerry Feldman: Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 10:37:18AM -0500]
> This is not quite a Linux question, but  since last Tuesday, I have been 
> unable to send email directly from my Linux box to any mediaone address.
> The message I get bounced back from mediaone servers is:
> Final-Recipient: RFC822; gaf at mediaone.net
> Action: failed
> Status: 5.5.0
> Remote-MTA: DNS; chmls19.mediaone.net
> Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 501 5.1.8 <gaf at mediaone.net>... Domain of sender 
> address gaf at gaf.ne.mediaone.net does not exist
> Last-Attempt-Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 10:06:34 -0500
> I can send successfully to virtually every other address. 
> gaf.ne.mediaone.net is properly configured by the mediaone DNS services.
> I do run a Linksys BEFSR41 Cable Modem/Router with port 25 open. 
> My sendmail.cf file has not changed since September. There are several 
> other people on this list who have a similar configuration that I have:
> linux-->sendmail--->Cable Modem/Router--->Cable Modem
> -- 
> Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
> Boston Linux and Unix user group
> http://www.blu.org
> -
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