The threat of UCITA
John Chambers,,,781-647-1813
jc at
Thu Feb 3 11:27:21 EST 2000
Randall Hofland <rhofland at gis.NET> writes:
I wonder if these proposed UCITA restrictions on user rights will
instead have a dramtically positive effect for Freeware" and the
OpenSource movement.
This is something that I've wondered about, too. The reasoning is
possibly best explained by a parallel: Suppose that in a highway
construction project (such as the Big Dig), the prime developer
(typically the state) were to order the contractors to use steel
beams from a certain supplier. Suppose, furthermore, that that
supplier refused to supply any specs for the steel, claiming that
that was "proprietary" information. Then, suppose that an overpass
ere to collapse because of the poor quality of the steel in the
In such a case, the first lawsuit would probably be against the
construction firm. But they would simply show the contracts, point
out that they were required to use steel whose properties they were
not allowed to know. Therefore, they couldn't be held liable for the
results. The liability would rest with whoever ordered them to use
the materials of unknown quality, and with the suppliers of the steel
(who presumably had specs in the order).
This isn't hypothetical. There have been many such court cases.
Programmers writing software for proprietary computer systems are in
exactly this situation. If my code is running on a system whose code
I can't see, I can't possibly attest to the quality of my own
product, because it can and will fail due to failures in the
underlying system that I am not permitted to learn about.
We can expect to see exactly this argument in the courts if this sort
of liability law goes into practice. The liability will ultimately
rest with whoever made the decision to use a computer system with
secret internal components whose specs and quality can't be
determined by the programmers.
Systems built of open code have an obvious advantage here.
I've seen a similar argument used by security specialists. One of the
standard pieces of advice is that if you are serious about security,
there is one rule that is easy to understand: You don't allow ANY
software on your systems unless you have ALL the source code (and
time to study it). If you accept anything without all the source, you
have no idea what may be hidden inside it or what it might be doing
to you without your knowledge. "Anyone who uses proprietary
binary-only software in a secure environment is simply incompetent."
So far, secret "black-box" software has succeeded, because when it
fails, there are no legal repercussions against either the vendor or
the person who made the purchase decision. In particular, managers
can decide to buy Microsoft or IBM because they know that they can't
be held accountable for its failures. They can order their workers to
use such systems and write software for them, while denying them the
information required to build reliable software. But if we have laws
that actually provide teeth for software failure, the people who sell
the end-user software have an obvious defense. "I can't be held
accountable for the failures of a computer system if I was denied
access to its code."
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