[BLU discuss] Re: Multiple clients over Linux PPTP --- Motion to Ban Use of Undisclosed Recipients on this List
Michael O'Donnell
mod at std.com
Mon Feb 28 20:59:20 EST 2000
>> If people insist on doing this, then the mailing list needs
>> to do something to enable msg filtering, perhaps
>> automatically prepending to the subject line a string useful
>> for filtering, e.g., "Blu.Org", etc., however this is
>> undesirable since it wastes line space.
>I've added a prefix for the lists.
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Do NOT retain this behavior!
RFC822 and friends have layed out a wonderfully
flexible scheme for email headers - let's work within
those bounds. I (so far) am not terribly concerned
about this Undisclosed Recipients issue, but I am
emphatically opposed to mangling the Subject: lines
for any purpose, including a supposedly "enhanced"
ability to filter incoming messages. By definition,
anything on the Subject: line that isn't THE SUBJECT
is inappropriate and constitutes misuse; virtually
any solution would be superior to our crapping all
over the Subject: lines.
Please undo this damage IMMEDIATELY - being "Executive
Director" is fine in general, but PLEASE do not make
such a Microsoft-style unilateral "executive decision"
without considering that you could do the Right Thing
Michael O'Donnell mod at std.com
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