national ppp isp?
Ron Creamer
ron at
Tue Feb 29 14:00:26 EST 2000
Worldcom (formerly UUNET/Alternet)
Great national coverage. And I could even use my logon when I was in France.
Derek Martin wrote:
> Today, Ron Peterson gleened this insight:
> > Does anyone have any recommendations for an ISP w/ national dial-up
> > coverage? International would be nice, too.
> I've used both Earthlink and AT&T, and I found them both to be very
> serviceable. I did have a problem with Earthlink briefly, but it was
> because the phone number in Nashua they were using at the time suddenly
> became shared with MSN and AOL. Eventually, I understand they fixed that,
> but I'm too impatient to wait, so I switched to AT&T before hand.
> --
> PGP/GPG Public key at
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Derek D. Martin | Unix/Linux Geek
> derekm at | derek at
> ------------------------------------------------------
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