OT: C,C++
Charles C. Bennett, Jr.
ccb at kukla.tiac.net
Wed Jan 19 00:04:03 EST 2000
> Im asuming that with any of the browser based solutions (php3 and
> pearl) I could use odbc.
There is a full compliment of odbc interface functions available in
php3. There is an ODBC module available for Perl Database Interface.
Go to www.cpan.org and search for ODBC. You'll find it.
If you need to learn a general purpose language I'd really recommend
Java. It sucks out loud for doing user interface code but for server
side stuff it's pretty nice. There is an amazing package called JDE
for doing Java development under emacs. You might also get a good
hard look at Inprise JBuilder. A year ago you couldn't swing a dead
cat without hitting a copy of the JBuilder evaluation CD. This is
probably still the case. I've generally been yanked between C and
Java jobs over the last several years Java is much easier to debug.
The again there is much fun to be had with a copy of DrScheme and a
copy of "The Little Schemer"...
Charles C. Bennett, Jr. VA LiNUX Systems
Systems Engineer, Northeast US 25 Burlington Mall Rd., Suite 300
+1 617 543-6513 Burlington, MA 01803-4145
ccb at valinux.com www.valinux.com
Nothing runs Linux like VA LiNUX - call 1 888 LiNUX-4-U
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