Software Piracy (I fixed the URL)
Randall Hofland
rhofland at
Thu Jun 8 12:13:36 EDT 2000
Sorry for screwwwwwwup in the URL. I think I actually fixed it here!
Randall Hofland wrote:
> There is an interesting article that only briefly discusses the issue
> of software piracy at
> http://www.infoworld.
> om/articles/hn/xml/00/06/07/000607hnwashington.xml?0608tham
> I have to wonder if such concerns will ever apply to the thievery of
> open sourced code for proprietary distributions (such as MacroShaft's
> misappropriation and misuse of Kerbols and other unknown source code)?
> I have to believe that the Digital Milennium and UTICA legislation
> will eventually result in the inadvertant suicide of closed and
> proprietary software. If nothing else those that currently profit from
> the tremendous growth of our modern technologies have new and
> interesting ways to spend more of our tax dollars!
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