What is this GUID?
Frank Ramsay
fjr at marsdome.penguinpowered.com
Tue Jun 13 15:43:26 EDT 2000
GUID stands for "Globably Uniq ID". In theory it's an ID that is uniq to
that instance of the program in the world. So depending upon what the
program is it could be for different things.
If the program uses COM or DCOM it's probably for client/server
> I'm trying to get a program working which seems to try to create an instance
> of an object with this GUID: (excuse my terminology, I've always stayed well
> away from this part of windows before) 109f6b63-7d0c-d111-95b2-0020afdc7421
> Could someone with windows actually installed try to find out what it is?
> --
> Sam Dennis <sdennis101 at geocities.com>
> "The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in
> the string haystack."
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