Wintel Modems on Linux

Derek Martin derek at
Thu Jun 15 03:01:24 EDT 2000

Yesterday, Ming Chow gleaned this insight:

> Okay now I have Red Hat Linux back on my Wintel box.  Now there's the issue 
> of networking on the Linux box via PPP and a Wintel Modem.  I use a standard 
> Lucent ISA PnP modem for Windows, but I found out that Linux need some modem 
> driver to use the Wintel modem.  Where can I get the driver, and does anyone 
> have or use such a modem?

If you're using a Lucent modem, there's hope... check out:

There ARE people working on bringing support for winmodems to Linux.  But
then, would you expect anything less from the Linux community?  ;)

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Derek D. Martin      |  Unix/Linux Geek
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