Wintel Modems on Linux

linuxguy at linuxguy at
Fri Jun 16 08:28:05 EDT 2000

Jerry Feldman wrote:
> Actually, if I remember correctly, some of the driver code belongs to 
> Microsoft with licensing that effectively prevents use of that code on 
> non-windows systems. That does not prevent a vendor from writing a Linux 
> driver from scratch, but it changes the economics a bit.

I don't know if this point has been made yet.  But, the whole concept
behind the winmodem was to provide cheap-ass hardware and make money
on the software.  Once way or another, the modem manufacturer is gonna
squeeze that nickle out of you.

Another point was to provide a simple chipset which motherboard manufacturers,
set-top box designers, etc... could OEM and add to their hardwares feature set.

| christoph
| linuxguy at

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