"Lauren P. Burka": BBLISA: CVS advocate needed
Charles C. Bennett, Jr.
ccb at kukla.tiac.net
Wed Mar 1 17:49:18 EST 2000
Any takers?
Charles C. Bennett, Jr. VA LiNUX Systems
Systems Engineer, Northeast US 25 Burlington Mall Rd., Suite 300
+1 617 543-6513 Burlington, MA 01803-4145
+1 888 LiNUX-4-U x 5738 +1 888 LiNUX-4-U
ccb at valinux.com www.valinux.com
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From: "Lauren P. Burka" <lpb at apocalypse.org>
To: bblisa at bblisa.org
Subject: BBLISA: CVS advocate needed
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Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 13:35:08 -0500
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My company stands in serious need of a CVS advocate to help us review
source code control systems.
We've invited representatives of all the vendors of commercial scc
software. So who do we get to pitch CVS? I personally don't want to
try to do his because a) I'm not a programmer, and I don't know enough
about software lifecycles to speak well about the features and
benefits, especially compared to slick commercial presentations on
other products and b) I'm kind of annoyed at if after failing to get
some of the Windows stuff to work.
What's in it for a CVS advocate:
free lunch
a book of your choice (about $60.).
free transportation to sunny Waltham, MA (If you're local and I can
drive you).
The warm fuzzy feeling you get from helping promote open source.
Send mail to me, not the list.
You can also send me mail telling me that I'm nuts.
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