FW: Installfest
Bill Horne
bhorne at banet.net
Tue Mar 7 12:26:24 EST 2000
Please help Ms. Casey with advice on hardware and how to get it
prior to the Installfest.
Bill Horne
-----Original Message-----
From: Janet Casey [SMTP:jcasey at gnu.org]
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 1:08 PM
To: bhorne at banet.net
Subject: Installfest
Dear Bill,
Thanks for the info about the Installfest. I'd like to attend
regardless -- can you give me the time and place?
As for my computer, well, I don't have one. The only machine I
have is
an older Mac (which I bought for the software: Photoshop,
Quark, Pagemaker... but that's another story).
I was looking to either have someone build me a box or get a
machine from a store, although that would bring up compatibility
questions as I don't think I could buy a machine without an OS
on it (which is why I wanted someone to build me a box).
Maybe I'm headed in the wrong direction, maybe a basic box from
Micro Center or
somwhere would be fine. That's why I'd like to attend anyway, to
some advice. If I could get a basic box in time, maybe we could
something out.
FYI- Miguel de Icaza, the GNOME developer, will be speaking
briefly at
a free event at Jillian's (Atlas Bar and Grill, 1st floor) on
Lansdowne St. this coming Thurs, March 9. You have to register
www.developerWorks-barCode.ihost.com. He's only speaking for
half an
hour or so, but there's free food and LEGO Mindstorms to play
with. It's sponsored by IBM (I've always been a fan of helping
companies spend their money...).
Janet Casey
Free Software Foundation
jcasey at gnu.org
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