linux-ppc sig?
Jerry Feldman
gaf at
Tue Mar 14 13:10:51 EST 2000
Sorry about the previous empty post.
Maybe Linux in PPC shoudl be a topic for one of our future meetings.
Lots of Mac people out there.
On 14 Mar 00, at 12:14, Joshua S. Freeman wrote:
> Am I the only person on the BLU list or the gnhlug list who is running
> linux on macintosh hardware?
> Are there enough people on these two lists who are running linux on mac
> hardware to form a special interest group?
> Just curious... let me say also that I'm not meaning, by posting this to
> the lists, to circumvent any established procedures/protocols for setting
> up SIGs...
> I run linux-ppc on a G3 powerbook (lombard)
> J.
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Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
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Boston Linux and Unix user group
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