Video of BLU events available online?
John Abreau
jabr at
Fri Mar 24 13:47:07 EST 2000
To: "Kevin P. Lawton" <kevin at>
> OK, I will look into the set of software/hardware tools needed
> to do this. If I can swing it, I'll tape the next meeting,
> and convert it to video, for general downloads. Let you
> know more soon...
> Any preferences on video formats? I'd like to get some
> feedback so I can get the necessary tools.
Ideally I'd like to see the thing taped onto mini-DV tapes; I'm planning
on putting together a video studio in the fall, once MacOS X Aqua is
available. On the other hand, for the immediate future I'd say anything
of decent quality is better than nothing.
As for putting the results on the web, I'd primarily want to put up
a downloadable MPEG-1 file (or a set of files, for easier downloading).
I suppose downloadable realmedia and/or quicktime (with a video codec
that works with linux; i.e. no sorensen codec) would also be nice.
I found a bunch of web sites with tons of these resources; I'll try
to throw up a page of links on later today.
Note that MPEG-1 is about 320x240 (VHS quality). MPEG-2 is about 640x480
(DVD quality). DV resolution is a little bit higher than MPEG-2. I expect
the MPEG-2 files would be way too big, but the MPEG-1 files might be
reasonable. In the worst case, if we run out of space on the server,
we could always offer the mpeg files on CDR disks at the meetings.
A streaming format would be a nice addition to the downloadable file, but
I think we'd need a beefier machine to run a streaming server of any kind.
Our current machine is a P133,and I doubt it could handle the extra
load. Of course, I haven't researched the streaming video tools, so I
could easily be making some wrong assumptions here.
I'm trying to arrange for a second server for new projects like this; I'll
post an announcement if/when it looks imminent.
John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
Email: jabr at / URL:
ICQ#28611923 / AIM abreauj
"Working with NT is like trying to tune a watch wearing oven mitts.
You can't get your fingers inside like you can with UNIX.
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