ghostscript installation
Lars Kellogg-Stedman
lars at
Fri Mar 31 09:20:42 EST 2000
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000 dmoylan at wrote:
> the new set up has
> - binaries in /usr/local/bin,
> - supporting stuff in /usr/local/share/ghostscript/5.50
I detest RPMs with this particular problem; at least on my own system, I
prefer /usr/local to be things I've built myself, and /usr to me
rpm-installed packages. It makes management much easier.
My first suggestion would be to look for an RPM that doesn't insist on
dropping things in /usr/local.
> printtool, however, does not find ghostscript, and the printer as a
> consequence, does not function.
There are several solutions; the simplest is probably to create a symbolic
link in /usr/bin for gs:
ln -s /usr/local/bin/gs /usr/bin/gs
When printtool looks for /usr/bin/gs it will find it.
Since you need to be root to run printtool, you may want to be sure that
/usr/local/bin is in *root's* PATH.
-- Lars
Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars at> -->
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