database demos (Re: mysql locking and backups)
Niall Kavanagh
niall at
Thu May 4 16:57:59 EDT 2000
On Thu, 4 May 2000, Randall Hofland wrote:
> Since I have an avid interest in at least the MySQL, I vote YES! but again
> question whether we can do more than just compare the 2 items suggested.
> Might it not be worth some time to do a slightly broader comparison by
> including the 3 or 4 major proprietary SQL servers as benchmarks so people
> have a better idea why you might be willing to pay the BIG BUCKS for Oracle,
> DB2, MS-SQL or such?
Quite an undertaking when you toss in the benchmarks. If we've learned
anything from our discussion thus far it's that different packages don't
match up feature for feature. Makes realistic benchmark comparisons rather
Niall Kavanagh, niall at
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