Shaking monitors and power feeds, continued
Bill Horne
bhorne at
Sun May 7 15:27:20 EDT 2000
I'm going to post this reply from my brother, and then take the
issue off-list: it's getting kind of far afield from Linux.
My original advice still stands: if you have a problem with a
monitor, and changing outlets cures it, call an electrician.
FWIW, YMMV, etc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas D. Horne
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2000 7:23 PM
To: Bill Horne
Subject: Re: RF vs. AC as cause of monitor shake
> ?I think the confusion is what we mean by an "office
environment." Most suburban offices get
> single-phase drops just like a residence. Even non-factory
office buildings which have
> three-phase drops will rarely carry it around into office
space, and may only have it easily
> available in some place like a boiler room.
[snip] The economies of construction using three
phase power in place of single phase are tremendous. If three
power is available to a building it will be extended to every
floor and
suite. The cost savings to be had from running one third fewer
circuit cables to every space to be served are too great to pass
up. A
four wire armored cable will deliver three times the power, at
any given
voltage and current per leg, as a two wire armored cable. ( i
armored cable in my example because it is the wiring method most
used in multi story office buildings and because there is no
ground wire
to complicate the example since the ground path is provided by
cables metal jacket.) A two wire, 277 volt, 20 ampere, lighting
can supply 24, 40 watt, four tube, fluorescent, light fixtures.
A four
wire, three phase, circuit operating at the same voltage can
carry three
times the current and light 72 such fixtures. The use of the
multi wire
branch circuit will save about half the cost of installing the
three two
wire circuits. The choice of three phase power distributed in
wire branch circuits is a no brainer for the design team. If
phase power is available it will be used.
> In a large office building, the drop will be three-phase, but
the lighting circuits themselves are
> not. There may well be three separate legs, taken from the
three-phase drop, but -- and this is
> where the confusion lies -- the power is single-phase from
the perspective of any particular light
> fixture. There is effectively no such thing as three-phase
office lights.
It is true that each ballast is connected to only one phase.
The branch
circuits supplying them will be three phase right up to the
point at
which each set of fixtures is tapped off of it.
> The important point is that, in a multi-phase system, the
neutral is common to all legs. However,
> the total current into loads is always going to equal the
total current out of loads -- this is
> actually Kirchoff's Law. One of the main purposes of
multi-phase service is to "timeshare"
> the neutral so that instantaneous current never exceeds its
instantaneous ampacity rating. If the loads have a
> phase changing effect, which is to say that they are highly
inductive or capacitive, then the
> current on the neutral can become excessive and this, in turn,
can lead to low voltage at the loads
> because of the resulting drop. Nevertheless, computer power
supplies are strictly
> power-consuming devices and it is something of a misnomer to
talk about them as "generating"
> current, harmonic or otherwise, although almost no computer
power supplies are linear.
Computer power supplies are second only to high efficiency
lighting ballast as a cause of harmonic current overloading of
neutrals in three phase, wye connected, power distribution
systems. If
you're hung up on the use of the word "generate" just substitute
> Voltage supplied to the monitor which is too low can cause
shake. However, it will also usually
> cause all sorts of other problems that show up before shake,
such as pincushion distortion and
> dimness. Also, the voltage must drop quite far, usually
below 90V, before noticeable problems
> occur. This is highly specific to each monitor: large
monitors will be more susceptible to low
> voltage than small monitors, good brand-name monitors seem to
be less susceptible than
> off-brand monitors, and so on.
> I do disagree that low voltage to this extent will leave
computers unaffected, and some brands --
> especially Compaq -- may even refuse to turn on. In any
environment where a UPS is commonly
> used, low-voltage will result in an immediate warning long
before it reaches a stage where actual
> performance of either computers or monitors will be affected.
Well, he already said that it varies by brand. The fact is that
computer power supplies are somewhat more forgiving of low
voltage than
the monitor is likely to be.
> While what this electrician says is all technically accurate,
I still think it is very unlikely that an
> actual case of monitor shake is caused by building power
problems, and the most likely solution
> is to put some ferrite material on the cables to filter hash
from the computer.
I did say rare did I not?
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