[BLU] Re: 3 Questions
John Chambers
jc at trillian.mit.edu
Fri May 19 14:41:27 EDT 2000
David Kramer wrote:
the problem I've always had with this is if you're already looking at a
website and there is a URL in the URL field, there's no way to paste the
new URL so it will replace the old one. So you have to highlight the URL
in the browser, wipe it out, go back to where the new URL is, highlight
it, go back to the browser, then click to paste into the broowser's URL
What I do mostly is click on the link with button 2. Both Netscape
and KDE respond to this by opening the URL in a new window. Of
course, this can give you a screen littered with browser windows, but
closing them is faster than wiping the Location widget clean.
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