Gateway Solo1100
Brian J. Conway
dogbert at
Fri Nov 10 12:19:54 EST 2000
> I was wondering if someone could help me put linux on my laptop, but i am
> unclear as to how to obtain the drivers i'll need to get it properly running.
> i tried installing linux once already and failed with flying colors, so now
> i'm looking for some help... any suggestions would be great...
That's rather vague. There have been a lot of improvements both in
terms of hardware support and ease of installation in various distros,
I'd suggest grabbing a new distro and trying again and reporting some
details. I'd suggest the new Mandrake 7.2 (ISO version, not the retail
one), it's very sexy and I have it running great on 3 machines now
without any issues. RedHat 7.0 is okay, too, from a newbie standpoint.
Also, check out the definitive guide on Linux on laptops: .
Brian J. Conway
dogbert at
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