Windows ME Tour (fwd)
kancer at
Wed Sep 6 13:24:25 EDT 2000
On the contrary I woule love microsoft to visit my local Linux expo with
FREE operating system CDs. Or any advocate group to let me know there was
a choice.
I don't think it is hypocritical, I think doing
this will let people know they have a choice other than win* and a FREE
one at that.
> The Linux Association at my university did much the same thing for the
> Win2k release in February, and looking back in the aftermath, I think it
> was a mistake. Last time I checked, Linux was about choice and having
> the freedom to choose what operating system you want to run, not going
> to the opening events of competitors and forcing free CDs on them and
> causing a commotion. I can only imagine the bloody murder that people
> would scream if a group of MS advocates came to stand outside LinuxWorld
> Expo with free goods and politely advocate their OS of choice. Frankly,
> I think this is hypocritical and just plan ridiculous.
> Brian J. Conway
> dogbert at
> -
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