X Windows server for MS Windows?
Christoph Doerbeck A242369
cdoerbec at cso.fmr.com
Tue Apr 10 09:19:54 EDT 2001
Glenn Burkhardt wrote:
> > Hello to all:
> >
> > I am looking for an X Server for NT 4 and Win2k. I want to pipe some ssh
> > sessions with X forwarding to my Microsoft boxes. I have a few machines
> > connected to a Linksys 8-port dsl/cable router/gateway with ssh
> > forwarding.
> I know of no freeware X servers, but there are a couple of inexpensive
> commerical products.
There is a free X server called ???????? (damn, can't think of it). But it
was very minimal and only supported twm as the window manager. I had to
use it once and it worked, but I certainly wouldn't recommend it.
I'll try to find the name & URL (it's been a little over a year).
- Christoph
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