routers vs WAN vs T1 vs dialup
Mark Komarinski
mkomarinski at
Wed Apr 25 12:34:08 EDT 2001
V.35 is a hardware and interface spec that defines the pins
and their characteristics. V.35 is (was?) pretty popular for high-speed
serial. HDLC is the protocol, also rather old, but popular for dedicated links
like this.
Sounds like Net2000 is going to give you a CSU/DSU, which is the T1 equivalent
for a modem. You then use the Cisco to go from the HDLC and V.35 into
Ethernet. There are a few Cisco boxes out there that combine the CSU/DSU
with the router in a small package. It's more expensive, but easier to work
Not having used either V.35 or HDLC on a Linux box (but having used them
on Solaris) I'd recommend the Cisco, if only for saving the setup headaches.
Glenn Burkhardt wrote:
> Can I have some help with nomenclature? I'm looking into getting a T1 line
> into the office to replace our local telephone lines and dialup ISP connection.
> The T1 line Internet connection is "V.35", which looks to be a high speed
> HDLC serial connection (??).
> We currently have a single dial up line with a static IP address assignment
> on a Linux box that performs IP masquerading for all the other computers
> in the office, and works as a mail server.
> The guy at Net2000 said that I needed a Cisco 1720 router for the
> Internet connection. But isn't a router just a Unix box with a communications
> interface that's connected to the Internet? So isn't my existing firewall
> a "router", even though it uses PPP demand dialing to connect?
> It looks like I can get a $650 Riscom/N2 board from SBS or their distributor
> Image Stream solutions, use the stock driver n2.c that comes with Linux
> distributions, and substitute it for the PPP dialup interface, leaving
> the rest alone (with a different static IP address from Net2000).
> Is it really this simple? What have I missed?
> Thanks.
> -
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Mark Komarinski - Senior Systems Engineer - VA Linux Systems
(cell) 978-697-2228
(email) mkomarinski at
"Have one day pleasant" - Babelfish
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