Wireless ethernet?
David Kramer
david at thekramers.net
Mon Aug 13 10:19:11 EDT 2001
On 13 Aug 2001, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Don't use WEP.. It's broken, completely. If I can _hear_ your
> base station I can break your keys in a matter of minutes (well,
> after I 'hear' a few million packets, but that only takes an hour
> or so on a busy LAN).
> WEP is broken. You might as well keep it off and just use IPsec
> and ssh.
I'm more-than-new to this (I have ordered, but not received, my wireless
gear), but isn't the purpose of WEP to authenticate the client, not
encrypt the connection? I can't vouch for how crackable WEP is, but using
ssh over wireless does not help authenticate the client, so it's not
really a substitute.
DDDD David Kramer http://thekramers.net
DK KD "If I asked you where we were," said Arthur weakly, "would I
DKK D regret it?" Ford stood up. "We're safe," he said. "We are
DK KD in a small galley cabin," said Ford, in one of those
DDDD spaceships of the Vogon Construction Fleet." "Ah." said
Arthur, "this is obviously some strange usage of the word
_safe_ that I wasn't previously aware of."
Douglas Adams, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
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