Internet Explorer for Windows CE is Mozilla!?
John Chambers
jc at
Thu Aug 16 16:23:15 EDT 2001
| If I recall correctly, MS changed their User Agent listing to say Mozilla
| because of the reasons given and the fact that when Netscape 4.0.x was
| out, IE 3.x was the equivalent. Since some people were actually using
| JavaScript to check for Mozilla 4.x in their JavaScript to activate some
| enterprising feature. MS changed the User agent of IE 3.x to mozilla 4.x
| to not be left behind and have remained mozilla for backwords
| compatability. I wonder what will happen when Mozilla arrives at release
| 4.x?
Here's what mozilla 0.9.1 sends as its id string:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.13-0.7 i686; en-US; rv:0.9.1) Gecko/20010607
So by induction, mozilla 4.x will send
Mozilla/9.x ...
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