he who hesitates has lost about a hundred bucks
Chris Janicki
Janicki at ia-inc.com
Thu Aug 30 17:29:30 EDT 2001
FYI: A little CD-RW behind-the-scenes info...
The last time I researched CDRW drives (about 2 years ago), I discovered
that *all* CDRW brands were actually re-brandings of Ricoh hardware. The
only exception was Phillips which did their own thing from scratch.
At the same time, I found a lot of complaints about the Phillips hardware
and support, although to be fair, I did find many reviews from people
that had no problems at all. It seemed that those fortunate to have no
initial problems were 100% happy, and those who had some initial problems
never got resolutions.
Moral: stick with the herd, unless there's something extra-special about
the loner
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
On 8/30/01, 4:21:43 PM, Seth Gordon <sethg at ropine.com> wrote regarding he
who hesitates has lost about a hundred bucks:
> A while back, I posted a question to this list on the problems I'd
> been having with my new Philips PCRW-804 CD writer. (Summary: It
> doesn't write. It doesn't read. But it opens and closes that little
> door real purty-like.)
> I assembled some Web pages with diagnostic information, subscribed to
> the cdwrite email list, and described my problem there. The
> diagnosis, from the fellow who maintains the software: Your hardware's
> defective.
> So, I think, the PCRW 800 series has been tested to work with
> cdrecord, so it's probably just this individual drive that's not
> working -- I'll just exchange it. The only problem is, I had
> procrastinated for so long before testing the damn thing out, I was
> past Best Buy's deadline for exchanging the product. But no problem,
> I thought: it's still under warranty, so I'll just turn it in to the
> manufacturer for an exchange.
> Unfortunately, Philips wants to troubleshoot the system over the
> phone, and since they don't officially support Linux, the only way I
> can follow their troubleshooting procedures is to run it on a
> Windows machine. Which would probably also require finding the CD-ROM
> containing Windows drivers that came with the drive. Oh, yeah, and a
> machine running Windows 95, 98, or NT -- our only Windows machine at
> home runs Windows ME.
> So my questions for the assembled multitude are:
> (1) Wanna buy a cheap, slightly used, CD-RW?
> (2) Wanna sell me a cheap mass-storage device that is guaranteed to
> work on Linux, *without* requiring SCSI or USB?
> aaargh,
> --
> "Rav would never cross a bridge when an idolator was on it; he said,
'Maybe he
> will be judged and I will be taken with him.' Shmuel would only cross a
> bridge when an idolator was on it; he said, 'Satan cannot rule two
nations [at
> once].' Rabbi Yannai would examine [the bridge] and cross." --Shabbat
> == Seth Gordon == sethg at ropine.com == http://ropine.com/ == std.
disclaimer ==
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