apache as proxy server?
John Chambers
jc at trillian.mit.edu
Wed Feb 7 11:42:32 EST 2001
Has anyone succeeded in making apache run as a proxy server? I've
been trying, tweaking the <IfModule mod_proxy.c> section of
httpd.conf a lot, and while it cheerfully accepts URLs and returns
web pages, it always fails in the same way: The file returned comes
from its own disk, not from the remote server in the URL.
I've had "tail -f" running on the access_log and error_log, and they
do show the received URLs. The only errors are when the file can't be
found on the local disk. I've also used this machine
(trillian.mit.edu) as the remote server so that I can run "tail -f"
on its access_log, and no accesses show up here. So apache definitely
isn't working as a proxy server.
Naturally, I've been digging around in the apache docs, but I haven't
seen any mention of this behavior. There is something called
ProxyPass that is vaguely similar, but not the same, and there's no
ProxyPass in any of the apache config files.
This is with apache 1.3.12. (Maybe I oughta grab the latest release.)
If anyone has a httpd.conf that sets it up as a proxy server, could I
see the lines that do the job?
This seems like it oughta be easy ...
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