Keystroke Logging
Kevin Falcone
kevin at
Fri Feb 9 12:05:45 EST 2001
>>>>> "RH" == Randall Hofland <rhofland at> writes:
RH> Are there any legal issues here??? Keystroke logging probably
RH> requires written notice to the students as well as a well
RH> documented department approval.
I was frequently asked to "demonstrate the output of my code" during
into CS courses. The general technique was to run script and then run
your program and then exit script. Then you had a copy of your
program chewing on some common input. Why would there be a privacy
issue if the student has to run script before any logging takes place?
Nowadays, I just cut and paste from a xterm or use M-x shell in emacs.
C makes it easy for you to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes that
harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg.
-- Bjarne Stroustrup
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