klogd and GPF's (reboots)

Derek Martin ddm at pizzashack.org
Fri Feb 16 22:41:44 EST 2001

Today, linuxguy at ici.net gleaned this insight:

> This is RH 6.1 with a custom compiled SMP-enabled 2.2.12 kernel.
> I'm guessing it's got something to do with the system.map and my custom
> kernel.  I'm also wondering if I've fixed the problem at all.  Blah!


*ALL* 2.2 kernel versions prior to 2.2.17 have a security problem, and
possibly one or more of the following: memory leaks, performance problems,
driver bugs.

Download the 2.2.17 kernel today!  It might even fix your problem.  But if
you've never updated your syslog package, you should do that too, because
there are bugs in the versions of syslogd and klogd that ship with RH 6.1

I can not over-emphasize the importance of keeping your system up to date,
ESPECIALLY if it is connected to the Internet.

Note, you could also upgrade to 2.2.18 or 2.4.X; but I've heard from
various people that 2.2.18 may have some problems (I think I heard roumors
of FS corruption, and maybe one or two other problems, but I'm really not
sure), and you may or may not feel comfortable or confident moving to
2.4.X yet...

Derek Martin
ddm at pizzashack.org

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