Solaris version number stew

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Wed Jan 24 22:15:00 EST 2001

The C and C++ languages are reasonably stable. However, Solaris 8 is 64 bit 
capable, and the native Sun compilers for Solaris 8 do support 64 bit 
I am working with a lot of code that is cross platform between the various 
Sun, HP, SGI, and Compaq platforms, including many hundreds of lines of 
assembler for all the above platforms.
Sun does have all their documentation online. We just installed Solaris 8 
on our Sun at work. One of the things we have in our code is tests for the 
various releases. I can look it up and find out how you can tell the 
various releases, usually from the uname(2) system call.
David Kramer wrote:
> My next project at work will be porting our application from Solaris 7 to
> Solaris 8.  Mind you, I'm not a Sun expert, and have not tried it yet
> (hardware is on order).
Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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