MediaOne problems
Brian Bay
babay at
Sat Jan 27 09:30:30 EST 2001
Hi John,
John Malloy wrote:
> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 22:00:07 -0500
> From: John Malloy <jdm at>
> Subject: Re: mediaone outage
> I am on Mediaone in Cambridge and am working fine, as usual. My bandwidth
> is my usual 1.4 MB/s
I can't say the same in East Cambridge but just noticed your posting was
made Thursday. I can't view tbe web. At the bottom of the screen in
Netscape's web browser, it shows News via is non-existent and a couple days ago e-mail was
down and queued for later delivery which it was. I read in that North East MediaOne upgraded their peering
server but that as of Thursday when he wrote this that North East
MediaOne changed the box name and Road Runner hadn't gotten around to
changing their box name so they could peer with North East MediaOne. The
person in question has been working to correct the news server problems
with Road Runner's network and works for Road Runner. For those who need
news you can access these two news servers on the MediaOne Network to
your list of news servers:
E-mail still works amazingly enough. I use the BV news address with no
problems. News works fine.
> JM
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