Can you please help with the upcoming Computers, Freedom, and Privacy conference? (fwd)
John Abreau
jabr at
Sat Mar 3 03:44:48 EST 2001
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 21:53:12 -0800 (PST)
From: Stanley Trepetin <revisor77 at>
To: jabr at
Subject: Can you please help with the upcoming Computers, Freedom,
and Privacy conference?
Hello there, I'm a volunteer and AV coordinator for
the upcoming Computers, Freedom, and Privacy
conference in the Cambridge Hyatt next week (March
6-9). I'm also a graduate student at MIT (Technology
and Policy Program). I got your emails off of the MIT
website concerning computer groups connected to MIT.
My question is: we are in need of student volunteers
to help out with the upcoming CFP conference. In
return for their efforts these students would get
various levels of complementary admission(s) to CFP (a
$250 value) depending on their involvement. CFP is an
excellent conference in its own right, incidentally.
The below is the full ad being promoted at MIT,
Harvard, and other places nown seeking volunteer and
technical help. If you have any "students" (full-time,
part-time, etc. it doesn't really matter, they just
need some current university or college affiliation)
who want to help, we'd love to talk to them. Can you
please forward it to them (or another group that you
think can help)?
Thank you, regards,
Stanley Trepetin
Calling all volunteers! The Computers, Freedom, and
Privacy (CFP) 2001 Conference from March 6-9 is coming
to the Cambridge Hyatt Regency (on Memorial Drive,
near MIT) and we need your help! For over a decade,
CFP has anticipated and shaped the public debates on
the impact of the Internet, computers, and
communications technologies on society. Through panel
debates, expert presentations, product demonstrations,
and illuminating bird-of-a-feather sessions, key
members of the technical, government, business, legal,
hacker/cracker and other communities gathered together
to address cutting edge questions on the future of
privacy and freedom in the online world. CFP2001
promises to be the best such gathering to date,
addressing the latest topics in governance, education
policy, and technology standards as they impact human
rights, intellectual property, and technology policy
To make the latest CFP a success, however, we need
your help! If you can donate 4 or 5 hours (1 "shift"
either in one day or spread over several days
depending on the work) to help organize the
conference, we will give you a complimentary admission
to attend the conference for that day in return. If
you donate 8 - 12 hours (2 or 3 shifts) we will give
you a complimentary admission to attend the whole
conference (a $250 value). CFP2001 promises to be a
great educational experience: top specialists in
cryptography, cybercrime, and medical privacy will
debate current and future problems and solutions. Be a
part of this leading conference on computing, privacy,
and society.
If you are interested, please read the tasks below and
contact Stanley Trepetin (email: stanleyt at
preferred; but phone is 547-0105) with your top two or
three choices (leave email if calling). Note, some
shifts/work below are TBA (ASAP) based on our
conference needs. We will email you concerning
information, questions, and assignments. The
assignments will be on a first come first serve basis
and be based on your preferences and our conference
Conference website: More information
about CFP2001 is available here.
Anticipated work:
1) 2-4 volunteers on Monday, March 5, 10am - 2pm, to
stuff conference bags.
2) 2 volunteers to help at the conference registration
desk on Tues, Wed, Thurs, & Fri, March 6-9, each day
from 8:00am - 10am. (These are "half" shifts, so pick
3) 1 volunteer to man the press room: admit accredited
press personell; give out the newsletters; respond to
inquiries; etc. Please choose a shift to work:
- Tuesday, March 6: 7am-11am, 11am-3pm, 3pm-7pm,
- Wednesday, March 7: 7am-11am, 11am-3pm, 3pm-7pm,
- Thursday, March 8: 7am-11am, 11am-3pm, 3pm-7pm,
- Friday, March 9: 7am-11am, 11am-2pm
4) 2 volunteers to help with miscellaneous tasks
(note, you will be helping the conference management
and registration companines already on site): backing
someone up if they're missing; "firefighting," etc. In
particular, we are looking for people with digital
media skills. You would conduct basic interviews (no
special skills required, you would just ask basic
questions on the "future" of computing, privacy, etc).
However, you would need to record the responses via
digital cameras or camcorders, take notes (on paper or
otherwise), and transfer the material to the CFP
website and/or to the daily newsletter. If you have
such digital media skills AND/OR EQUIPMENT, we'd like
to hear from you (if you have equipment, please let us
know what you have, and if we can borrow it for a
little while)! Please choose a shift to work:
- Tuesday, March 6: 8am-1pm, 1pm-6pm.
- Wednesday, March 7: 8am-noon, noon-4pm, 4pm-8pm,
- Thursday, March 8: 8am-noon, noon-4pm, 4pm-8pm,
- Friday, March 9: 8am-11am, 11am-2pm
5) We would also like to set up two other tech savvy
projects: a live streaming feed of the plenary
sessions to be broadcast via the CFP website; and a
wireless LAN so that conference participants can
browse the web in the conference rooms, breakout
sessions, etc. If you have the expertise and/or
equipment to do this, please contact us ASAP. We'd
like to explore the logistical and technical
possibilities (although at this point there is no
guarantee that either project will get done).
Please help out and respond quickly! Especially let us
know if you have streaming or wireless LAN expertise.
- Work one shift and you can attend CFP for the day.
- Work two or better yet three shifts, and attend the
whole conference.
- Give two or three choices.
- If you help with miscellaneous, if you have digital
equipment for usage or lending please let us know.
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