stupid perl question.
Brian Medley
bpmedley at
Sun Nov 11 11:00:10 EST 2001
On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 08:51:40AM -0500, Frank J. Ramsay wrote:
> Why doesn't this work?
> What it's doing up dumping the output to the console and not assigning it to
> $ipaddy.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> my $ipaddy = `/sbin/ifconfig | grep Bcast | sed \'s/:/ /g\' | awk \'{print
> $3}\'`;
^^ => \$3
You could also try:
print `/sbin/ifconfig` =~ /inet addr:([\d\.]+)\s+Bcast/;
~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~=-., \|/ (___) \|/ _,.-=~'`^`
Brian Medley @~./'O o`\.~@
"Knowledge is Power" brian.medley at /__( \___/ )__\ *PPPFFBT!*
-- Francis Bacon `\__`U_/'
_,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~= <____|' ^^`'~=-.,__,.-=
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