MediaOne last straw
John Tsangaris
johnt at
Tue Oct 16 18:10:02 EDT 2001
You don't say. I have had 15 days without internet connection since Sept
18. You gotta love mediaone.
My wife has turned to AOL :-( Does anyone know of another high speed
provider around Methuen?
At 04:27 PM 2001-10-16 -0400, David Kramer wrote:
>I have been without reliable internet access for over two and a half
>days. AT&T (ex: Media One) insists that the problem is a tough one, and
>I should periodically power my box and cablemodem down and up again to
>see if it's working yet. I can get online for about 30 seconds then I
>lose it again.
>I'm seriously ditching them after this. Frequent loss of service for a
>few hours is one thing, but no access for several days is inexcusable.
>So I'm looking for feedback on DSL providors that know linux, and
>preferably offer static IP addresses. I've heard very bad things about
>RCN in the past, but they may have gotten better, so if you have them and
>like them, let me know about that, too.
>If you send the mail to the list, I may or may not get it. Please send
>replies to the list, but also CC: nullvoid42 at too. Maybe I'll
>get to the library tomorrow to check my mail.
>Also, feel free to bring facts and anecdotes to the meeting tomorrow.
>Thanks in advance.
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