Laptop recommendations

Robert L Krawitz rlk at
Sun Sep 2 12:54:30 EDT 2001

I'm thinking of buying a laptop.  I'm only interested in using it for
Linux and maybe Solaris (i. e. I have no interest in dual booting into
Redmond).  I want something with enough juice to let me do software
development on Gimp-print (that is, RAM and screen space; disk space
is a given, and my C-450 is plenty fast enough).  A writable CD for
backup etc. would be nice.  I also want to keep the price reasonable.
There seems to be a big gap in price between what Best Buy, Costco,
and the like sell, and what IBM, EmperorLinux, and such sell, based on
seemingly equal specs.  I don't much care about new vs. used;
size/weight also doesn't matter too much to me, because I don't mind
carrying around fairly large objects; 5 lb. wouldn't bother me.
Certainly appearance doesn't matter.

I'd prefer something that's comfortable running SuSE, since that's
what I currently have on my desk, but that's not absolutely

Robert Krawitz <rlk at>

Tall Clubs International  -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail lpf at
Project lead for Gimp Print/stp --

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